icon-group Leadership Team

In 2005, Travis Watson after a successful career in both the commercial and software transaction industries, saw the opportunity to launch Sand Solutions. The vision, which today is a reality, was to lift the burden of IT infrastructure, application integration and the expense of technology modernization off the shoulders of the client. Through the introduction of multiple cloud hosting alternatives, clients could focus resources on meeting their business objectives rather than responding to the time demands and increasing expenses of IT support.

At Sand Solutions the philosophy is simple, technology should be an investment and not an expense. At Sand Solutions, we configure, manage, and integrate IT systems infrastructures that effectively support your business operations. Working with us, our clients optimize their return on investment, while gaining access to cutting edge IT systems and techniques that keeps them ahead of the curve and meeting the growing demands of their customers and clients.

Over the years Sand Solutions has added multiple data centers, exclusive hosting capabilities, application consulting all supported by personnel which when combined continue to provide the value that our clients have come to expect from our partnership.

Meet the members of our leadership team:


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